Available, delivery time: 2-5 days
Product information "Organic Bog Heather Honey"
Heather honey has a fairly strong and distinctly herbal flavour. Its water content tends to be higher than that of other types of honey.Colour is reddish brown to dark amber.It is really a matter of taste and preference.
there are regional differences ,depending on soil conditions and on predominance of derivation from either true heather (Calluna vulgaris) or cross-leaved heather (Erica tetralix ).
Lower-lying areas and and more moist areas tend to have more Erica , higher.lying ones more Calluna .
The Bog Heather plant begins already to bloom in the middle of july .
The true heather (Calluna ) is blooming usualy in august to september .
Bog Heather Honey has a dark brown colour and a strong aroma, with woody flavours, slight mint and bitterness.
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